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铸造 foundry, founding, casting

铸造工艺 foundry technology

铸件 casting

砂型铸造 sand casting process

特种铸造 special casting process

2. 合金性能

流动性 fluidity

充型能力 mold-filling capacity

吸气 gas absorption

过冷 undercooling supercooling

过冷度 degree of undercooling

成核 nucleation

自发成核(均质成核) homogeneous nucleation

非自发成核(非均质成核)heterogeneous nucleation

凝固温度范围 solidification range

定向凝固(顺序凝固) directional solidification

液态收缩(液体收缩) liquid contraction

凝固收缩 solidification contraction

固态收缩(固体收缩) solid contraction

凝固时间 solidification time

自由收缩 free contraction

受阻收缩 hindered contraction

铸件线收缩率 shrinkage

收缩应力 contraction stress

热应力 thermal stress

相变应力 transformation stress,phase change stress

铸造应力 casting stress

残留应力(残余应力) residual stress

3. 铸造用材料

3.1. 金属原材料

金属原材料 metallic raw material

生铁 pig iron

铁合金 ferro-alloy

回炉料 foundry returns

中间合金 master alloy

3.2. 燃料

铸造焦炭 foundry coke

冶金焦炭 metallurgical coke

固定碳 fixed carbon

3.3. 熔剂

熔剂 flux

除气熔剂(除气剂) degassing flux

覆盖熔剂(覆盖剂) covering flux

精炼熔剂(精炼剂) refining flux

耐火度(耐火性) refractoriness

耐火砖 firebrick

耐火粘土 fireclay

硅砖 silica brick

镁砂 grain magnesite

3.4. 造型材料

造型材料 molding material

砂 sand

水洗砂 washed-out sand

硅砂 silica sand

天然砂 natural sand

人工砂 artificial sand

天然粘土砂 naturally clay-bonded sand

橄榄石砂 olivine sand

铬铁矿砂 chromite sand

锆砂 zircon sand

炭粒砂 carbon sand

精硅砂 sharp sand

红砂 red sand

熟料砂 chamotte sand

粘结剂 binder

粘土 clay

无机粘结剂 inorganic binder

有机粘结剂 organic binder

高岭土 kaolin

膨润土 bentonite

钠基膨润土 sodium bentonite

钙基膨润土 calcium bentonite

活化膨润土 activated bentonite

干性油 drying oil

硬粘结剂(冷硬粘结剂) no bake binder

热固树脂粘结剂 thermosetting resin binder

油类粘结剂 oil based binder

水玻璃粘结剂 water glass binder, sodium silicate binder

纸浆废液 lignin liquor

合脂粘结剂 synthetic fat binder

水玻璃模数 sodium silicate modulus

3.5. 辅助材料

附加物 additives

发热剂 exothermic mixture

分型剂(脱模剂) parting agent,stripping agent


悬浮剂suspending agent

涂料 coating

型砂制备(砂处理) sand preparation

混砂 sand mulling, sand mixing

型砂(造型混合料) molding sand

芯砂(造芯混合料) core sand

合成砂 synthetic sand

自硬砂 self-hardening sand

水玻璃砂 sodium silicate-bonded sand

覆膜砂 precoated sand

烂砂泥(麻泥) loam

调匀砂 temper sand

面砂 facing sand

背砂(填充砂) backing sand

单一砂 unit sand

含泥量 clay content

含水量 moisture content

旧砂 floor sand

枯砂(焦砂) burnt sand

废砂 waste sand

热砂 hot sand

松砂 aeration , sand-cutting

筛分(筛析) screen analysis

旧砂处理 sand reconditioning

旧砂再生 sand reclamation

沉降分选 elutriation, decantation


型砂试验 sand testing

透气性 permeability

流动性 flowability

型砂强度 sand strength

湿强度 green strength

干强度 dry strength

耐用性(复用性) durability

砂型(芯)硬度 mold hardness

热变形 hot deformation

残留强度 retained strength

热强度 hot strength

韧性 toughness

发气率(发气速度) gas evolution rate

发气性(发气量) gas evolution

吸湿性 moisture absorption

落砂性 knock-out capability

潰散性 collapsibility

胶质价 colloid index

破碎指数 shatter index

热气流烘砂装置 hot pneumatic tube drier

混砂机 sand muller, sand mixer

松砂机 aerator, sand cutter

冷却提升机 cooling elevator, coolevator

筛砂机 riddle

磁力滚筒 magnetic separator

旧砂再生设备 sand reclamation

气力输送装置 pneumatic tube conveyor

4. 铸造合金

4.1. 铸铁

铸铁 cast iron

铸铁石墨形态 morphology of graphite in cast iron

灰铸铁(灰口铸铁) gray cast iron

白口铸铁 white cast iron

麻口铸铁 mottled cast iron

共晶度 degree of saturation

碳当量 carbon equivalent

初生石墨 primary graphite

孕育铸铁 inoculated cast iron

球墨铸铁 spheroidal graphite cast iron, nodular graphiteiron, ductile iron

球状石墨 spheroidal graphite, nodular graphite

可锻铸铁 malleable cast iron

黑心可锻铸铁 black heart malleable cast iron

珠光体可锻铸铁 pearlitic malleable cast iron

铁素体可锻铸铁 ferritic malleable cast iron

白心可锻铸铁 white heart malleable cast iron

团絮石墨 tempered graphite

冷硬铸铁(激冷铸铁) chilled iron

耐磨铸铁 wear resisting cast iron

耐热铸铁 heat resisting cast iron

耐酸铸铁 acid resisting cast iron

高硅铸铁 high silicon cast iron

蠕墨铸铁 vermicular cast iron,compacted graphite cast iron

蠕虫状石墨 vermicular graphite

合金铸铁 alloy cast iron

4.2. 铸钢

铸钢 cast steel

炭素铸钢 carbon cast iron

低合金铸钢 low alloy cast steel

高锰钢 high manganese steel

铁素体钢 ferritic steel


青铜 bronze

铅青铜 lead bronze

铝青铜 aluminum bronze

黄铜 brass

铝铜合金 aluminum-copper alloy

铝镁合金 aluminum-magnesium alloy

铝硅合金 aluminum-silicon alloy

镁合金 magnesium alloy

轴承合金(减摩合金) bearing metal, antifrictional metal

巴氏合金 babbitt alloy

钛合金 titanium alloy

5. 熔炼工艺及设备

5.1. 熔炼基本术语

熔化(熔炼) melting

重熔 remelting

炉料 charge

熔化率 melting rate

炉料计算 charge calculation

双联熔炼 duplexing

元素烧损(元素烧损率) melting losses of various chemical elements

熔炼损耗(烧损) total melting loss

还原气氛 reducing atmosphere

氧化气氛 oxidizing atmosphere

惰性气体 inert gas

碱度(碱性指数) index of basicity

碱性渣 basic slag

酸性渣 acid slag

精炼 refining

遗传性 heredity

风口比 tuyere ratio

有效高度 effective height

送风强度 blast intensity

预热送风 hot blast

底焦 coke bed

层焦 coke split

隔焦(结力焦) buffer coke charge

炉衬 furnace lining

碱性炉衬 basic lining

酸性炉衬 acid lining

棚料 bridging

熔池 bath

吸碳 carbon pick-up

铁焦比(焦比) iron-coke ratio

出渣 deslagging

打炉 cupola drop

5.2. 铸钢

氧化熔炼法 oxidizing melting

不氧化熔炼法 dead melting

真空熔炼 vacuum refining

电渣熔炼 electro-slag melting

熔渣 slag

沉渣 sludge

浮渣 dross, cinder

氧化期(沸腾期) oxidizing stage,boil

还原期 deoxidizing stage,blocking stage

还原渣 reducing slag

氧化渣 oxidizing slag

白渣 white slag

脱氧 deoxidation

扒渣 slagging- off

脱碳 decarburization

脱硫 desulphurization

脱磷 dephosphorization

增碳 recarburizing

脱氧剂 deoxidizer

挥发损耗 volatilizing losses

静置 stewing, holding

吹氮 nitrogen flushing

5.3. 熔炼设备

冲天炉 cupola

水冷冲天炉 water-cooled cupola

热风冲天炉 hot-blast cupola

湿法除尘器 wet cap

炉缸 cupola well

前炉 forehearth

冲天炉加料机 cupola charging machine

爬式加料机 skip hoist

电磁配铁称 electro-magnetic weighing balancer

电磁盘 electromagnetic chuck

电弧炉(直接电弧炉) arc furnace,direct arc furnace

感应电炉 electric induction furnace

电渣炉 electroslag furnace

电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation

浇包 ladle

摇包 shaking ladle

底注包 bottom pouring ladle

保温炉holding furnace

坩埚炉crucible furnace

孕育 inoculation

多孔塞法 porous plug process

变质 modification

墨化剂 graphitizer

过热 superheating

石墨球化处理 nodularizing treatment of graphite


三角试块 wedge test-piece

真空除气vacuum degassing

5.4. 浇注

浇注 pouring

保护气氛浇注 pouring under controlled atmosphere

浇注速度 pouring rate

浇注温度 pouring temperature

浇注时间 pouring time

浇注位置 pouring position

型内孕育 inmold inoculation

压铁 weight

捣冒口 churning, pumping

点冒口(补注) teeming

浸入式高温计 immersion pyremeter

补炉 patching

炉龄(炉衬寿命) campaign


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