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IMCOPower.Precision.Performance.M ET ALMORPHOSI S2022enDUROSTREAKERSPOW.R·FEED⊙MEGA-6INCONEXtruCORE2THE NEW FRONTIEROF ADVANCED END MILLS.The tools in this catalog are made for a new age in metalworking,uniquedesigns that run smarter,smoother and with incredible precision.Everyinnovation in each end mill series is the result of IMCO's advancedtechnology and our continuous drive for greater productivity.And thechanges keep coming.工We're pushing boundaries and exploring technology to its outer edges.Thisis the new frontier,and the new age in metalworking-a metalmorphosisis just ahead.What's new?INTRODUCING M213Designed to handle extreme tool paths in aluminum alloysthe NEW STREAKERS M213 end mills provide superiorsurface finishes and are engineered to meet the demandsof today's aerospace industry.With the POW.R.FEED M924C we've added the benefitsof our unique Chip Management System(CMS)to theversatility of the M924 design.The CMS feature breaks uplong,stringy chips,which eliminates recutting chips and chippacking,and allows for free cutting tool movement.INTRODUCING TOOLBOTOnline,dynamic application results you can trust,available to you 24/7.365.Input your part number,material,operation,and machine limits to calculateToobotyour unique-accurate-speed and feed results.3
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